In August 2024, Microsoft announced that the Outbound Marketing Module in Microsoft Customer Insights – Journeys is being removed. This is to make space for an improved marketing functionality in the guise of Real-time Marketing.

Outbound Marketing Module announcement from Microsoft

Outbound Marketing module users have two options:

  1. Move fully over to Microsoft Customer Insights Journeys.
  2. Switch to Click marketing software.

Microsoft is not the only one that has recently enhanced its offering. Click (formerly known as ClickDimensions) has added lots of new functionality to its product. Built natively in Dynamics 365 or PowerApps, it offers all the benefits of having your marketing data alongside all your sales and other data. Offering that coveted “single source of truth”. You also get a powerful marketing tool that is far more intuitive for the standard marketer.

Outbound Marketing users have until June 30 2025, to take action.

Read our guidance on this matter: A guide to transitioning from Outbound Marketing to Real-time Marketing in Microsoft Customer Insights Journeys.