Iain Wicks


Iain has been working in the CRM industry since the late 90’s and has built a wealth of experience in CRM implementation. Iain birthed the mantra “Keeping CRM simple” and is laser focused on user adoption. As he knows this is to key to any successful CRM implementation project.

Prior to Rocket CRM Iain was working as a CRM Project Manager for a Microsoft Gold Partner. Despite many years in the CRM industry, Iain spent the early part of his career as a chef and still loves to cook at weekends.

Little known fact about him: Iain once took part in a successful cider pouring World Record attempt on a beach on Gijon with thousands of others.

Favourite meal:

Tapas washed down with a bottle of Spanish cider

Favourite place:

 San Sebastian & Alicante city

Favourite quote:

“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself” – Albert Einstein