AI features in Dynamics 365 Sales you need to know about 

AI tools in Dynamics 365 sales text on blue background with clouds and image of a female sales person with Dynamics 365 logo

If you are a self-confessed AI newbie considering using Dynamics 365 Sales, this article is written with you in mind.


AI is transforming business software and offering organisations that embrace it the opportunity to gain a seriously sharp competitive edge. It is giving superpowers to the smallest of teams and driving productivity. For Dynamics 365 Sales users, there are a number of AI tools that you should be aware of. 


Microsoft Dynamics 365 is at the forefront of the AI revolution, providing tools that streamline sales by automating routine tasks. It also has predictive AI technology that can predict future trends by analysing existing data. And then there’s Microsoft’s Conversation Intelligence AI-powered tool that helps sales professionals analyse customer conversations to deliver actionable insights.  


With tools like these, the power is literally in your sales team’s hands. With time freed up, sales teams can focus on identifying and winning new business. Used properly, they can better prioritise, work more efficiently, and focus efforts in the most impactful areas—basically, they can be better sales professionals and smash their targets.


These tools really level the playing field, as even the smallest and leanest of teams can suddenly amplify their sales efforts and drive sales growth. 


Here are the AI tools in Dynamics 365 Sales that you should know about


Key Features of Dynamics 365’s Predictive AI 

In a nutshell, predictive AI is a subcategory of artificial intelligence that uses machine learning to analyse historical data and use that to predict future outcomes. And it comes in various guises:


1. Sales Forecasting 

AI sales forecasting allows you to quickly and easily predict sales trends based on analysis of past sales data. This look into the future means sales teams can inform marketing if the future pipeline is looking sparse, but other areas of the business can also prepare for fluctuations in demand. In industries such as manufacturing, agile supply chain management through better understanding of demand is critical. 


2. Lead Scoring  

Lead scoring is nothing new, and used correctly, it’s an excellent tool for helping sales and marketing teams identify where leads are in the buying cycle. However, AI-powered lead scoring automates this process and improves accuracy by analyzing historic leads and identifying patterns of activity as they progressed. It then applies this intelligence to assign a score based on past behaviour. This is yet another tool designed to save time and improve accuracy. 


3. Customer Insights 

 Dynamics 365 Customer Insights gives you a 360 view of customers across the buyer journey, from their online activity, social media interactions, and touchpoints with sales to purchase history and communications with your brand. Predictive AI technology takes all of this data to predict the future behaviour of your customers. And the better you understand your customers and their likely future behaviours based on their experience with your brand, the better you can manage that relationship with personalised journeys and corrective actions to improve customer retention.


4. Segmentation and Targeting 

Predictive AI takes segmentation to the next level, allowing sales and marketing teams to drill down into micro attributes and behaviours, resulting in hyper-targeted campaigns. It does this by analysing customer data to identify patterns and offer powerful insights. Plus, with seamless integration with the other Dynamics 365 modules, such as Marketing and Customer Service, marketing and sales teams can automate the segmentation process with dynamic segments.

An example of this would be to target leads earlier in the buying stage with email campaigns about a specific product that those leads have shown interest in based on their web browsing activity. This personalised communication engages those leads more meaningfully—resulting in increased sales cycle speed and a greater number of sales opportunities thanks to better conversions.



5. Conversation intelligence   

Like other Dynamics 365 sales AI-powered tools, this analyses past data to offer powerful insights into your customers. The difference is that this looks at your customer conversations, reads transcripts of recorded calls, shows priority action items, and gives insights into sales periods, too. It is a PA for your sales teams, as sales folks no longer have to spend time trawling past communication logs. 


6. Relationship Analytics 

Previously known as Relationship Intelligence, Relationship Analytics analyses historic seller activity with a contact or account and calculates KPIs based on their interactions. A powerful tool that allows sales teams to accurately understand the health of their customer relationships. If it looks as though the relationship is at risk, they can knowingly adapt their behaviour and pour more attention into specific contacts, leads or accounts to prevent the loss of the customer of opportunity or loss of customer. 


Dynamics 365 Sales is a toolkit to efficiency

All of these AI-powered tools drive efficiency and effectiveness, helping saleses teams prioritise their work better, work smart, and be more successful in their sales careers. While mostst leading CRMs now offer AI-powered tools, Microsoft has been the trailblazer and continues to develop these tools in each Release Wave. 


If you are an AI newbie and keen as mustard to start leveraging this technology, speak to us. We can help you apply the latest AI tools from Dynamics 365 Sales. 



Rocket CRM is a Microsoft Dynamics 365, and a platinum Click accredited partner, helping small to medium-sized businesses and charities harness the power of scalable CRM technology. Our mission is to make powerful CRM software simple with custom-built, user-focused solutions.


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