How to use lead and opportunity scoring in Microsoft Dynamics 365

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales is a powerful tool that helps businesses manage their sales process from start to finish. One of the newer features of Dynamics 365 is lead and opportunity scoring, which helps sales teams prioritize their efforts and focus on the most promising leads and opportunities. 


What is Lead Scoring?

 Lead scoring is a process that assigns a score to each lead based on a variety of factors, including demographics, behaviour, and engagement. The goal of lead scoring is to identify the leads that are most likely to convert into paying customers and prioritize those leads for follow-up by the sales team. 

In Dynamics 365, lead scoring is based on a variety of factors, including: 

  1. Demographic Information: This includes things like job title, industry, and company size. 
  1. Behavioural Information: This includes activity like website visits, email opens and clicks, and social media engagement. 
  1. Engagement Information: This includes actions such as requests for demos or pricing information, and attendance at events or webinars. 

Each of these factors is assigned a weight based on its importance in predicting whether a lead is likely to convert into a paying customer. The weights can be adjusted based on the specific needs and goals of the business. 

screen shot of lead scoring dynamics 365 sales


What is Opportunity Scoring?

Opportunity scoring is a similar process that assigns a score to each opportunity based on its likelihood of closing. Like lead scoring, opportunity scoring takes into account a variety of factors, including the size of the opportunity, the length of the sales cycle, and the stage of the opportunity in the sales process. 

In Dynamics 365, opportunity scoring can be customized based on the specific needs and goals of the business. For example, some businesses may place more weight on the size of the opportunity, while others may place more weight on the length of the sales cycle.



How Lead and Opportunity Scoring Work Together

Lead and opportunity scoring work together to help sales teams prioritize their efforts and focus on the most promising leads and opportunities. When a new lead is added to Dynamics 365, the system automatically assigns a score based on the factors mentioned above. 

As the lead moves through the sales process and becomes an opportunity, the opportunity score is updated based on the same factors. This allows sales teams to see at a glance which opportunities are most likely to close and prioritize their efforts accordingly. 



Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise

With this common license type you get up to 1500 scored lead and opportunity records per month. 



There are some requirements before being able to utilise these tools: 

  • Advanced Sales Insights features needs to be enabled – your Dynamics partner can help with this. 
  • You need to have enough leads to train the model based on past data. Your organization must have created at least 40 qualified and 40 disqualified leads in the past three months to two years. The more leads you can include to train the model, the better the prediction results will be. You can configure the time frame in the Train with leads from the past field of the scoring model. 
sreen shot of predictive lead scoring dynamics 365




Lead and opportunity scoring are powerful tools that help sales teams focus their efforts and close more deals. By assigning scores to each lead and opportunity based on a variety of factors, Dynamics 365 helps sales teams prioritize their efforts and focus on the most promising leads and opportunities. If you’re not already using lead and opportunity scoring in Dynamics 365, it’s definitely worth exploring as a way to improve your sales process and close more deals. 




Rocket CRM is a Microsoft Dynamics 365, and a platinum Click accredited partner, helping small to medium-sized businesses and charities harness the power of scalable CRM technology. Our mission is to make powerful CRM software simple with custom-built, user-focused solutions.  


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