Scan Business Card feature in Microsoft Dynamics 365

business person hlding business card with Rocket CRM logo

You may have suddenly noticed a new button on your contact Quick Create form in Dynamics 365 sales, like the one below, since November 2019.

Scan Business Card feature i

The Scan Business Card option is a great addition for salespeople who are too busy to type info into a CRM system, or those lucky enough to have a biz card scanning device that scans business cards and uploads an image into a file.

One other great benefit of this feature is that it can also help reduce the risk of typo mistakes.

The feature works with image fields of business cards.

You can also use your mobile phone to take a photo and upload it to a file. This might be a useful method for an admin person who has just had a pile of business cards dumped onto their desk!

The only requirement to use the feature is to make sure you have the Common Data Service User role assigned.

How to use scan business card in Dynamics 365 sales.

  1. Click the + button to create a new contact
  2. Click the Scan Business Card Button to browse for your image and click Insert
  3. Dynamics will attempt to extract the information from the business card

You can see in the example below, it didn’t manage to capture my email address. I have tested on other cards and it usually had no problem with this.

Scan Business Card feature i

Once saved, the record is created and the business is also saved along with the record by default.

Retained busienss card on the contact form

For more information see the Microsoft Docs site

If you need help with this or any other part of Dynamics 365 Sales feel free to reach out and contact us for an informal chat.

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About Rocket CRM

Rocket CRM is a Microsoft Dynamics 365, and a platinum Click accredited partner, helping small to medium-sized businesses and charities harness the power of scalable CRM technology. Our mission is to make powerful CRM software simple with custom-built, user-focused solutions.


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