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Data management

CRM software helps businesses manage and leverage data for better sales, marketing and customer service activity. Leading CRM software such as Dynamics 365 helps businesses manage, access and utilise data quickly and accurately. Its unified data interface means that individuals across the organisation can gain better insight into the customer or leads needs and where they are in their buyer journey. This insight and customer knowledge can give a business a distinct advantage over those that aren’t as close to their customers. Real-time data and 360-degree views of the customer mean that sales, marketing, and customer service activities can be aligned, and marketing communications can be tailored and timely. When combined with powerful marketing automation software, CRM systems can leverage data to another level and deliver highly personalised and efficient digital marketing communications by streamlining, automating and tailoring email communications. In summary, CRM software helps businesses operate more effectively, flexibly, and agile.
We always advise that businesses adopt robust data management processes if they don’t already have them, as data is one of the company’s most valuable assets in this increasingly data-driven world. As we deal with many smaller businesses, it is often their first venture in data management and CRM. Therefore, purchasing a new CRM is a high investment and a considerable risk to the business. A CRM is only good as the data inputted to it, whether manual or automated, so businesses must ensure the data they import into their new CRM is top quality. There are several ways a business can maintain a healthy database to ensure GDPR compliance and quality sales and marketing activity.   Read  these tips on good data management.