Simple CRM solutions built with small businesses in mind

Simple CRM solutions for small businesses in search bar with blue icons against picture of business meeting

As any small business owner knows too well, growth and success can sometimes mean a precarious scaling up processes. As expansion and scale up can soon mean existing processes and tools quickly become outdated and unfit for purpose. Outdated CRM solutions is a common issue that many of our smaller and growing clients present to us on first contact.  


For our smaller clients, data management and CRM haven’t been a priority until now, when they realise that their antiquated solutions are holding back their exciting business growth plans. They’ve tried work arounds, sometimes using a variety of different products and reports to give them the insight and control they need. Yet, it’s still not enough. Frustrated by the lack of integration, data insight, and ultimately real-time control, they are left with no other option but to scope out a better solution. 


CRM solutions for Small businesses 

When it comes to CRM solutions available on the market, there are plenty tailored towards the smaller business owner. With a host of off-the-shelf, fully integrated sales, marketing and service software solutions currently on the market. These solutions normally include email marketing, marketing automation tools, task management and more.  


A quick Google shows just how competitive this market is and one reason for this explosion of options is the increase in user adoption and the greater focus on digital marketing techniques. Hence many CRM products include smart marketing automation tools to leverage the customer journey, increase conversions and speed up the customer journey process. An increasingly digitalised world and a ‘digital first’ mindset has been further accelerated by the COVID pandemic. With the unprecedented global event forcing businesses to take a pragmatic approach to digital transformation or face the consequences.  


The sheer choice of CRM products available can be overwhelming for some businesses, and this is when it can be beneficial to have a helping hand to scope out system requirements. With such a large time and financial investment, the CRM system needs to be right for your business first time. After all, every business is completely different. Different processes, company culture, customers, and markets. No square pegs and round holes please! So, this means ensuring the solution is made to measure, adaptive and scalable.  


Understanding the difference with Microsoft CRM systems 

When a client comes to us, nine times out of ten, they’ve done their homework. They have a fair idea of what is available to them and need to know more about Microsoft CRM solutions. As they want to see how it compares to other options on the market. They are familiar with the Microsoft suite. In its most basic level, most people have had some experience with Microsoft Office and Teams.


This is a great start, as with this basic understanding and familiarity we easily explain how Microsoft CRM solutions  seamlessly integrate with their existing Microsoft products. We go on to explain how these applications can be built around the unique needs of their business and can be as simple or complex as they need. With Microsoft Dynamics it’s completely scalable too, which is another big tick in the box for a business that is on an upward trajectory. 


For micro and small businesses, simplicity is also top of the list, and that’s great as that is our sweet spot. At Rocket CRM we are adept at creating simple CRM solutions, specifically with smaller business owners in mind. Having created CRM solutions that help businesses quickly improve their data and pipeline management in a cost-effective way. Here’s one example.


Suffolk Mind’s CRM problem

Take for example, Suffolk Mind, a mental health charity. Who, following a period of growth were in the process of adopting digital strategies to support future plans. They knew that spreadsheets were simply not a practical or safe way to manage their data and needed a bespoke simple CRM solution that would support their fundraising activity. We began by working closely with the charity to build a detailed picture of their CRM needs. With the end result being a simple, secure, and cost-effective CRM system built on the Microsoft Power Platforms Unified Interface. 


Ultimately, it was our job to make their leap from ineffective data management to a seamlessly integrated Microsoft solution as painless as possible. The charity continues to go from strength to strength, with its new CRM driving its fundraising activities forward. Fundraising which is at the heart of being able to deliver its vital services to more people in the Suffolk area.  


Suffolk Mind are not alone, as countless businesses have contacted us with similar scenarios. For many of these owners, marketers and IT specialists, success and growth are being held back by ineffective data management processes and systems.


Knowing that we’ve been able to make a difference to the future of small businesses and charities is incredibly gratifying and this is what drives us forward. At our core we are a team of good people, who are experts in their field and passionate about delivering quality solutions.  


Research the CRM solution

If the scenarios shared here, all seem too familiar, then, you’re possibly shopping for a new CRM solution. We encourage you to do your research, to see what works for your business or charity. Then, if you surmise that a simple, custom-built solution and expert support is what you require. Then do come back and visit us. We offer and no obligation 30 minute consultation for free. We will give you completely unbiased, honest advice from CRM experts, not salespeople. 


About Rocket CRM

Rocket CRM is a Microsoft Dynamics 365, and a platinum Click accredited partner, helping small to medium-sized businesses and charities harness the power of scalable CRM technology. Our mission is to make powerful CRM software simple with custom-built, user-focused solutions.


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